Friday, February 13, 2009

They're Growing!!!

They Keep Growing. Here is Tippy again- just born, 1 week old and two weeks old.

Happy Second Week Birthday, Puppies!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Puppy Cam!

If you take a look to your right you should see a video feed of the puppies. To start just click on the video and it will begin a live feed of what they are up to. I make no promises but I hope to have this running all the time for people to see what the pups are up to.

Stay tuned. The Cuteness is coming full force.

Dear Readers,

We had our fun with the first day pictures and the daily puppy profiles but the best is yet to come. Yesterday was a break through day. Most of the pups started to open their eyes and take their first steps. The party is about to begin. You can look forward to puppy wrestling, puppy romping and my personal favorite puppy races. Leave a comment and let me know what sort of things you want to see the puppies do and I will keep my eye open. It's been a fun week and a half but it's time to turn the fun up to 11!


Skunk fell asleep in my hands.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not just eyes. We got walking too!

White Beard struts her sassy stuff!


Tippy McTipperson welcome to a new world.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A belated but sincere thanks.

The day the puppies were born I went into work and discovered my co-workers had prepared a wonderful surprise. Here are pics from that day. I didn't get my hands on them until today so thus the reason for the delay. My thanks go out to my co-workers for their thoughtful surprise.

Even sleeping is cute!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beautiful Puppy Pictures

Yesterday our friend came over with her daughters and snapped some pictures of the puppies. She did the puppies a justice that my pics just don't do. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Pup Art

Thanks to Kyla for contributing the wonderful picture of White Beard.

Poll Answer- Battle of the Sexes

If you were keeping score with the profiles you would know that the girl pups dominate the boy pups 4-3. Congrats to all of you who answered correctly in our first poll. You win the satisfaction of being correct.

Here is the breakdown:

Girls- Slash, White Beard the Pink Nosed Pirate, El Bandido, and Squints McGee.

Boys- Skunk, Zoticus XVIII, Tippy McTipperson.

Puppy Profile- White Beard the Pink Nosed Pirate

Name: White Beard the Pink Nosed Pirate
Gender: Female
Puppy #: 6 or 7?
Favorite Color: The mustard of Dwight's shirt.
Favorite Word: Scurvy
Hobbies: Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
Favorite Band: White Stripes

If you and your siblings were on Survivor, who would you vote off the island first and why? Tippy McTipperson. I don't need his vertigo bringing me down.

What do you consider to be your best feature: My beauty mark.

Which Grandparent do you like more, Katherine or Philip? Katherine. Someone's got to take pity.

Tomorrow's Puppy Profile: That's it people. We profiled em all.